Sunday, December 21, 2008


We have been in a winter wonderland the past week. It was fun at first, did some sledding down our hill, drank hot chocolate, enjoyed the heat from the woodstove. And then......our furnace stopped working during a record breaking cold snap that lasted for four days. The cold lasted as long as our furnace was out.

The few days we have had about 1.5 FEET of snow. This has made traveling up and down our driveway a true adventure. We did get halfway up our 0.3 mile driveway and then we slid all the way back down in reverse. I never, ever want to do that again (if given the choice of course).

Last night we were entertaining the Dunhams, sitting around the table finishing our supper discussing how the worst thing that could happen would be the power going out.......and yes, the power went out. We got more snow and freezing rain and now our driveway is treacherous.

I will attach some pictures to show you what we are dealing with.