Monday, July 28, 2008

Home, home on the range....

Well I am not sure what a 'range' is and we probably don't live on one. But we are getting more settled into our new house and country livin'.

We had our open house on July 26th-thank you to all who came. If you forgot or had a conflict that day-feel free to drop by anytime. Just call first, so we can be expecting you.

As was promised to the children after we moved into the country, Doc bought a couple small dirtbikes for the kids to ride. Jeremy is the first one to learn as he was the first to have his training wheels taken off of his bike. He is doing very well considering he has only been on the bike @10 times.

And in between teaching Jeremy to ride and work, Doc has been very busy painting some of the interior. He also had the pleasure of scraping popcorn ceiling off of our largest room's ceiling. What a job!! We also got new carpet last week. So we are definitely making the house our own.

Doc plans to paint the exterior during his time off in August. And then we will just replace things as we need to.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting settled

The pictures are of different mountains that we can see. Mount Hood is the big snow covered one. The other two are in Washington.
We are starting to get settled in up here. The mounds of boxes no longer reach the ceiling and I can get through most days finding the things I am looking for. We have seen a lot of deer and squirrels on the property. We have a couple humming birds that compete at our feeder and a rabbit that we have been leaving some lettuce for as well. The kids are enjoying all the new bugs. Me? Not so much.

This week we are painting and hope to have new carpet installed at the end of the week. (Who would buy white carpet in the country? We are replacing it with a color that I am hoping matches the color of the dirt).
We will be having an open house on July 26th from 2pm-5pm. So drop by then, if not before.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

We've moved

Finally, after trying to be very patient, for what seemed like a really long time, we sold our house in the city and now reside out in the country. Did you know that the birds in the country start singing at 4 am? I found that out this morning. We love our 'new to us' house and the 5.4 acres that come with it. We have amazing views of multiple mountain ranges and more space inside and out to play! Come over for a visit soon!!